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Biography | Autobiography
African Destiny Eleanor Harding takes us on a real-life voyage of discovery in following her daughter's decision to pioneer to Africa. The experiences of the young Susan Harding (now Sheper) in Africa helped her parents in Canada to rediscover their own spiritual longings, their own destiny even as she discovered hers. $19.95
Bill Bramah's Ontario Vol.V Bill & Dora Bramah Bill specialized in the off-beat, the up-beat news that gave his regular viewers hope and humour twice a week for 22 years. This was the compilation of the last in his series. Was $17.95 now $5.00
Booyah-The Memories of An Old Rink Rat The Life and Times of Don Pecore by Don Pecore and Tina Bagordo $29.95
Cal Taylor ~The War Years by Cal Taylor, Patricia Taylor. an autobiographical account of Cal's WW II service with the RCAF. Available in ebook formats. $14.95
Casablanca In the Last Days of French Morocco by D. Springer Hawley. As a young Bahá'í pioneer in Casablanca, Hawley brings a unique perspective to the upheaval as the French regime is overthrown in the 1950s. $29.95
COBALT Where The Stories Are As Tall As The Headframes by Helene Culhane. Fascinating insights into the heart of this incredible town from the people who refuse to call anywhere else home from interviews with Cobalt seniors. Available in EBook formats. $16.95
Dreams, Nightmares and Dreams Again by Angela Szepesi. This autobiographical account by this extraordinary lady spans from the early days of World War II as the wife of a diplomat in Portugal, to her later years as a Bahá'í pioneer in Brazil, Martinque, and Canada. Of Hungarian origin and education, she brings a unique view of her life, and of the Bahá'í Faith. $24.95
Go Ahead Or Go Home, The Trethewey Story by Daphne Sleigh. A history of five generations of the Trethewey family—colourful and action-loving men and women with their fair share of "characters" among them. They originally made their name in the lumber industry, owning large sawmills and numerous logging operations in the Fraser Valley. They were not only lumbermen, but ranchers, inventors, land speculators and—above all — mine owners. $32.50
Highway Book Shop~Northern Ontario's Unexpected Treasure. by Lois Pollard. A history of this unique book store in Ontario's northland. Also available as EBook $37.95
From Romance to Reality ~Stories of Canadian WW II War Brides by Peggy O'Hara. A collection of stories told by the World War II war brides themselves who came to Canada from Britain and Holland.
$19.95Hough Lake and Beyond
I'd Do Most Of It Again by Ron Bailey. Ron Bailey captures some of the most significant parts of his life in this autobiography. Ron has been a woodsman, mechanic, teacher, farmer, college lecturer and professor who began work at the age of 15 and continued until retiring at the age of 75. $29.95
Immigrant in Porcupine and His Later Journal by Magne Stortroen. An Immigrant's Journal is a sequel to Immigrant in Porcupine; both are autobiographies of a Norwegian immigrant, Magne Stortroen. Both books are in this special reprint volume. A Memoir powerfully written by a new Canadian in the 1920s who came from Norway to work in the Timmins area. $23.95
It Started At Creighton Mine by Rolf Staude. A Memoir powerfully written by a new Canadian in the 1950s who came to work in the the now-closed Creighton Mine in Sudbury, ON $24.95
Just Passing Through ~The People and the Places North of Matachewan Frank Holley shares his memories of his time in the Matachewan area with the prospectors, trappers, and traders from late 1920s to the 1950s, when the area was scouted for mineral wealth, and people living in the bush lived off the land, a 'long' way from settled parts. $14.95 Also available as EBook
1076 The Legend of Caroline Maben Flower Lady Prospector of the Porcupine by Maggie Wilson. Caroline Maben Flower, a wealthy New York socialite in 1906, most certainly read the news of the fabulous riches in Northern Ontario. When she arrived in Cobalt, Caroline noted how the men made their fortunes at mining. She reckoned, if they could do it, so could she! Never one to let roadblocks stop her, she shouldered a pickaxe and set out to build a mine. Just as she did with her musical career, Caroline promoted herself and built a brand. In Cobalt, and later in the gold fields of the Porcupine, she traded on one notable asset: the fact that she was the only woman in the mining game.
Loves Me, Loves Me Not by Johanne Loach is an autobiograpical account of the impact and aftermath of a car accident. $19.95
Mud, Muskeg & Mosquitoes ~The Life and Legacy of a Northern Ontario Pioneer by Diane Armstrong. This historically factual creative non-fiction book concerns a remarkable woman who married and moved to 'New Ontario' in 1907 to become an outstanding community member, one of the first women elected to a School Board in Ontario, and mother to eight children. Hardcover: $32.95; Paperback $19.95 EBook
1325 No Poverty Between The Sheets by Pauline Kiely Her Irish father is the fourth of ten children, and her French Canadian mother the baby of twelve. Lively stories bounce back and forth between the two cultures in this conversational memoir full of gems. Spanning four generations, readers are treated to this witty family saga. The book documents the strong ties that bind generations together. Honest, captivating fresh new voice like no other. $19.95 EBook
The Prison of Self by Verna J. Bryan from her diary of teaching experiences to inmates at the Niagara Regional Detention Centre. $15.95 EBook
Muriel Newton-White set of 3 books, autobiographical account of life in Temiskaming during the 1930s after the Great Fire of 1922.
Available individually:
Three books:
Cold Wind in the Winter
The Pleasant Summer Sun
The Sunset in the Morning
$9.95 each; set of three for $23.47
Go Ahead Or Go Home, The Trethewey Story by Daphne Sleigh. A history of five generations of the Trethewey family—colourful and action-loving men and women with their fair share of "characters" among them. They originally made their name in the lumber industry, owning large sawmills and numerous logging operations in the Fraser Valley. They were not only lumbermen, but ranchers, inventors, land speculators and—above all — mine owners. $32.50
7981 A Northern Doctor The Memoirs of Clifford Hugh Smylie M.D. 1893 - 1957 He portrays the life of a doctor in a rural practice, making house and hospital calls in all sorts of weather in the Districts of Temiskaming and Cochrane. $44.95
A Northern Hope One Family's Life in Cobalt and Haileybury 1904-1928 by Debra North. Beginning with the birth of her maternal grandparents William Ferris and Rachel Johnston, in Scotland, in the 1870s, it follows them through their early years and my grandfather's experiences in the Boer War (1899-1902), their immigration to Canada beginning in 1903 and their settling in Cobalt in 1904. It recounts the family's life during Cobalt's Silver Rush which occurred, from 1904 to the early 1920s. Family history is followed through World War II. Documented with 430 pictures, many of which have never been published before, this book makes fascinating insights into life in northeastern Ontario in the early twentieth century. $37.95
1322 Serving The North The George Taylor Hardware Story by Bruce W. Taylor. The history of this northern Ontario hardware chain instrumental in the building of northern Ontario in the early 1900s. This small local hardware store grew into one of the largest wholesale hardware merchants in Northeastern Ontario and Northwestern Quebec. Also available as an EBook $19.95
8051 Stephen Lafricain, The Grand Old Man of the River by Bruce W. Taylor. Stephen Lafricain was born in 1837, and in his 99 years witnessed much history in both Canada and the United States, including treaty signing, the decline of the fur trade, the opening of northeastern Ontario to great mineral wealth. Well worth the read, and the history. $14.95
This Side Up An autobiography by Robert Mazibuko. Robert served as an Xhosa translator from 1968 to 1987, as a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of South Africa from 1975 to 1985 during some formative stages of the Faith in Africa. He captures memories of his time with Emeric and Rosemary Sala, Michael Sears and many others from this special time.
8051 Stepping Towards Joy A Life in Changing Times by Lois Pollard. An autobiography of the first 64 years of her life before coming to the Highway Book Shop. $37.95
1350 Trailmix by Mike Camp. His life's work in writing, painting, sculptures, and teaching combined in this limited edition volume.
8085 What Are You Doing Here? by Walter Mittler. The autobiography of an Austrian World War II survivor. $23.95