Writer's Submission Guidelines
Please query before sending manuscripts to White Mountain Publications. Our primary publishing focus is non-fiction, local histories, biography and autobiography, poetry, and books for the Bahá'í community world-wide in English. So if it's a fiction manuscript, chances are small that it will be accepted here.
Guidelines For Submitting Manuscripts
NEVER send your only copy of your manuscript anywhere. Keep your original, and either print another from your computer, or photocopy your clean original. (Click here to view standard manuscript formatting and page setup.)
Query first (White Mountain Publications, Box 620, Cobalt, ON Canada P0J 1C0 / (705) 679-5555, or by email. If ours, or any publisher's, publishing schedule is full, sending your manuscript is not going to help it get published. Also, please include your full name and address, so we'll have an idea it is a serious query, and not some kind of spam. If this information is not provided, the query will not be considered.
If we tell you to send it in for consideration, send a copy of the complete manuscript, a covering letter mentioning when we told you to send it in, and either a self-addressed, stamped envelope for just a reply (disposable manuscript copy is destroyed if not being accepted) OR return postage sufficient to return the entire manuscript FROM Canada. (Canadian postage).
If it is a Bahá'í manuscript, send a copy of the complete manuscript, the review from your National Literature Committee, a covering letter mentioning when we told you to send it in, and either a self-addressed, stamped envelope for just a reply (disposable manuscript copy is destroyed if not being accepted) OR return postage sufficient to return the entire manuscript FROM Canada. (Canadian postage).
If a confirmation of the manuscript receipt is desired, enclose an email address so we can send you a quick note letting you know it's arrived, or a self-addressed, stamped postcard we can date and initial for return to you.
Have patience. Please know we are very few people having a lot of fun, but doing a great deal of work here, so we ask your patience waiting for a reply. If however you have not heard from us in 90 days, please give us a call.
Author's Questionnaire in PDF format. | Word format (.doc) | WordPerfect format | OpenOffice/LibreOfficeText format.