Highway Book Shop Titles

We arranged to continue making a limited number of titles in limited quanties available from the now-closed Highway Book Shop . When they are gone, they are gone. We have arranged for reprint rights for some of them and have indeed been re-printing a few of them for a few years now. Here is the list. Click here for a PDF copy of this list to download or print and use off-line.

Temiskaming Treasure Trails The Complete Set of 8 all by Peter Fancy

Temiskaming Treasure Trails The Earliest Years (Vol 1)

Temiskaming Treasure Trails Vol 2 1886-1903

Temiskaming Treasure Trails Vol 3 1904-1906

Temiskaming Treasure Trails Vol 4 1907-1909

Temiskaming Treasure Trails Vol 5 1910-1915

Temiskaming Treasure Trails Vol 6 1916-1922

Temiskaming Treasure Trails Vol 7 1923-1933

Temiskaming Treasure Trails Vol 8 1934-1945

Gilles Depot ~A Temiskaming Journal Peter Fancy

Boston Creek~Golden Echoes of an Ontario Mining Camp Peter Fancy

Silver Centre Rediscovered Peter Fancy

From Romance to Reality Peggy O'Hara

Muriel Newton-White (Set of 3)

Cold Wind in the Winter Muriel Newton-White

Pleasant Summer Sun Muriel Newton-White

Sunset and the Morning Muriel Newton-White

Snowbug Yvon Gauthier

Iron Mining At Bessemer Dave Hanes

Survival Strategies David Dehaas

Lake in the Hills ~Strong Township and Sundridge 1875-1925 Compiled by Patricia Lee

New Liskeard, The Pioneer Years by Bruce W. Taylor.

The Age of Steam on Lake Temiskaming by Bruce W. Taylor

A Northern Doctor The Memoirs of Clifford Hugh Smylie M.D. 1893 - 1957 compiled by Mary Belle Smylie


Wanapitei Canoe Trippers' Cookbook III (2009) by Carol Hodgins-completely revised and updated from the previous two editions and re-issued.

Just Passing Through ~The People and the Places North of Matachewan by Frank Holley (2010) -revised and totally corrected with some additions from Frank before his passing.

Backhouses of the North Muriel Newton-White (2010)

The Preacher's Book at Rupert House 1902-1911 James Scanlon (2007)

A Different Time Among the Northern Cree James Scanlon (2007)

Moose Factory Cree by Daisy Turner (2013) the much-loved guide to Cree syllabics with 2 CDs for learning the pronunciation.

Coming: Arrow North by George L Cassidy.