CHS Parade Puzzle

Hometown Hootenanny
Cobalt's Parade for the 1953 Silver Anniversary

Have some fun with this puzzle made from a 1953 photo by John Hunt of Cobalt's Silver Anniversary Parade. Brought to you by the Cobalt Historical Society.

WMPub#2989 | 23.4" x 16½" finished size | 504 pieces | $30.00

Puzzles from the Cobalt Historical Society

Giachino's - CHS Puzzle Oblin's - CHS Puzzle The Iconic Right of Way Mine

Giachino's a Cobalt puzzle featuring the building we're in now as it was in 1945 as a grocery store

Oblin's Cash & Carry a Cobalt puzzle features this grocery as it was in 1945 on Lang Street.

The Iconic Right of Way Mine Taken from a recent photo by Charles Dumaresq.

Right of Way Reflections Cobalt ONR Station Cobalt Public School

Right of Way Mine Reflections Taken from a recent photo by Sue Nielsen.

Ontario Northland Railway Station Cobalt this Cobalt puzzle features the station as it was in 1945.

Cobalt Public School from a photo circa 1955

Silver Miller Mine Buffalo Mine Buffalo Mine

Silver Miller Mine as it was photographed circa 1950

Buffalo Mine & Water Tower -a George Cassidy print

Nipissing 96 -a George Cassidy print

Townsite Sentinel Cobalt Parade

Townsite SentinelIn All Its Glory. Taken from a recent photo by Sue Nielsen.

Cobalt: The Town That Silver Built whimsical map drawn by Ruth Bernache 1985

Hometown Hootenanny Cobalt's 1953 Silver Anniversary Parade photo by John Hunt