Claybelt Chronicles
Volume EIGHT
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![Claybelt Chronicles 8](
A&P Grocery Store 131, 143, 150
Academie Sainte-Marie 83
Acland, Dave 22
Acland, Nancy Anne (née Burk) 22
Acres, Alfred 122
Acres, Karen (née Lilley) 122
Agar, Beverly (née Brownlee) 17
Agar, Larry 17
Agricultural College 93
Agricultural Farm 61
Albert College 153
Algonquin Regiment 119, 184
Algonquin Regiment Reserve 143
Alma College 153
American Bee Convention Competitions 126
Anderson, Roy 144
Andrew, Bill 147
Anyan, Ada (née Edwards) 6
Anyan, Eliza Elizabeth (née Hall) 6
Anyan, Gary 6
Anyan, George William 6
Anyan, Harold 6
Anyan, Howard 6, 165, 166, 167
Anyan, Joan (née Bowman) 165, 167
Anyan, Lionel 6
Anyan, Marion (née Grant) 6
Anyan, Morley 6
Anyan, Violet (née Grant) 6
Armstrong, Amy 91
Armstrong-Burnside, Jayne Elinor 10
Armstrong, David Rodney 10
Armstrong, Elinor (née Richardson) 10
Armstrong, Elsie 91
Armstrong, Kathryn Jessie 10
Armstrong Motors 15, 151
Armstrong, Rodney Hurd 10
Armstrong, Roy 90
Art Cast Inc. Foundry 42
Asselin, Arthur 173
Asselin, évangeline (née Charest) 173
Atomic Energy of Canada 182
Aylmer-Delmonte 146
Ayotte, Mr. 38
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Babcock, Mike 76
Babcock, Paul 76
Baker, Patsy 169
Bandy, Earl 162
Bank of Commerce 137, 155
Baptist Women's Convention 140
Barnardo children 15
Bartlett's Auto Electric 123
Bartlett's Beach 138
Batt, Mike 106
Bauman, Alex 175
Bayshore Nursing 152
Bazinet family 83
Bazowsky, Catherine 120
Bazowsky, Dan 120
Bazowsky, Michael 118
Bazowsky, Verna 112
Beach Gardens 39
Beardmore, Ann 15
Beardmore, Bob 15
Beardmore, Charlene (née Leng) 15
Beardmore, Dean 15
Beardmore, Edwin (Ted) 16
Beardmore, Frank 15
Beardmore, Harry Edwin (Ted) 15
Beardmore, Maggie (née _____) 15
Beardmore, Mark 15
Beardmore, Marie 15
Beardmore, Paul 15
Beardmore, Violet (née Sutton) 16
Beauchamp, Alcide 12
Beauchamp, Aline 12
Beauchamp, Denis 12
Beauchamp, Fernand 12
Beauchamp, Madeleine 12
Beauchamp, Marie (née Dumais) 12
Beauchamp, Richard 12
Beauchamp, Rita 12
Beauchamp, Roland 12
Beland, Dr. A[nicet] 171
Beland, Robert 69, 70
Beland, Therese 173
Bélanger, Mme. 179
Bennett, Annie Beatrice (née Phillips) 185
Bennett, Beatrice Evelyn 185
Bennett, Charles Harris 185
Bennett, Donald Garry 185
Bennett, Dorothy Ora 185
Bennett, Fred 185
Bennett, Gail Darlene 185
Bennett, James Allen 185
Bennett, Sarah Catherine 185
Bennett, Sheila Diane 185
Bethel Gospel Chapel 19
Beverly Alliance Church 115
Bigras, Yvonne 180
Bilodeau, Aline 126
Bilodeau, Angelina (née Leclerc) 126
Bilodeau, Anita 126
Bilodeau, Auguste 126
Bilodeau, Blanche 126
Bilodeau, Claire 126
Bilodeau, Claudia Marie Alberte (née Rivard) 178
Bilodeau, Ernest 126
Bilodeau, Eveline 126
Bilodeau, Georges 126
Bilodeau, Georgette 126
Bilodeau, Gertrude 126
Bilodeau, Godefroy 126
Bilodeau, Gracia 126
Bilodeau, Rosaire 126
Bilodeau, Theodore 126
Bilodeau, Wilfrid Joseph Edmond 126, 178
Birk's Jewellery 168
Black, Mr. (teacher) 143
Boileau, Andre 42
Borgford family 36
Boucher, Irene Rose (née Dinelle) 22
Boucher, Joseph Morris 22
Boucher, Marie Suzanne 22
Boucher, Paul Joseph 22
Boucher, Richard Joseph 22
Bouley, Mr.(grocer) 171
Bowman, Bob 168
Bowman, Bill 165, 168
Bowman, Carrie 168
Bowman, Graydon 150
Bowman, Jack 171
Bowman, Margie 168
Bowman, Mathew 175
Bowman, Toots (Bond) 176
Bray Farm (Goldsack farm) 31
Brazeau family 50
Brazeau, Urgel 37, 39
Breault-Nadeau, Carole 171
Breault's Restaurant 190
Brown, Christine 177
Brown, James 42
Brown, Michael 177
Brown, Norris 177
Brown, Steven 177
Brown, Vincent John 177
Buick, Dr. 171
Bullen, Dr. A. C. 171
Bulmer, Jim 59
Burnes, Irish 19, 20
Burnett, Vern 173
Burt, Bob 84
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C. P. Express 19
Caisse Populaire 183
Caldwell, Mel 105
Cambrian College 176
Camp Borden 54, 63
Camp Cochrane 43
Campbell family 74
Campbell, Miss (teacher) 69
Camsell, Charlie 167
Canada Post 29
Canadian Colgate Women's Games 175
Canadian Diamond Drilling Association 78
Canadian Mining and Metallurgy Association 78
Canadian National 20
Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) 9
Canadian Pacific 20
Canadian Tire 17, 70
Canadore College 51, 112
Caneonti Mines 40
Cardinal, Claude 176
Carnegie Library 168
Caswell Motors 111, 112, 114
Catholic Women's League 11, 29, 50, 180
CBC (Radio) 84
Chamber of Commerce 50
Charpentier, Henri 159, 163, 164, 172
choked steak 7
Christianson, Brian 70
Christianson, Mrs. 172
Clark, Sharon 76, 78
Classic Theatre 118, 135, 155
Club 60 70, 71, 165
Clute Elementary School 27
Co-op (store) see United Cooperatives of Ontario 35, 37
Co-op Catering 174
Cobalt Catholic Cemetery 126
Cobalt High School 83, 84, 155
Cobalt Historical Society 72
Cobalt Market 35
Cobalt Mining Museum 72
Cobalt Nugget 82
Cobalt Public School 72, 83
Cobalt Reunion 174
Cochrane, Mr. 43
Colquhoun, Joan 171
Community Hall 41, 69, 71, 163, 170, 189 see also New Likeard Community Hall.
Conseil Fatima 156
Continental Diamond Drilling Co. Ltd. 77
Cooey Rifle (gun company) 54
Cook, Bob 160
Cook, Bruce 161
Cook, Helen 151, 174
Cook, Marg (teacher) see also Arnott, Mrs.; Villneff, Margaret 133, 168
Cook, Miriam 173
Cook, Robert 39
Cooke, Arthur 167
Cooke, Florie 167
Coombs, Jack 94
Corboy, John 76
Country Ceramics 174
Courteau, Marc 114
Cox, Sheila (née Kruger) 112
Cox, Steven 112
Craig, Donna 173
Craig family 167
Creighton's (store) 167
Crick, Ben 144
Cubs 170
Cunningham, Mr. 40
Curran, Brian James 30
Curran, Carol Nancy (née Antram) 30
Curran, Grace Eleanor (née Thomas) 30
Curran, Ian David 30
Curran, James Thomas 30, 43
Curran, John 30
Curran, Mary Edith 30
Curran, Robert Douglas 30
Curran, Susan Dorothy 30
Curran, William Alexander 30
Currie, Sue 176
Cyr, Dave 6
Cyr, Donna 6
Cyr, Edie Anne 6
Cyr, Evelina (née St, Jules) 6
Cyr, Isadore 6
Cyr, Leo 6
Cyr, Leona 6
Cyr, Leonidas 6
Cyr, Lillian 6
Cyr, Lina 6
Cyr, Mac 6
Cyr, Marie 6
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D. Lamothe Construction Co. 105
Dagmar Construction 176
Dark, Gordon 33
Deacon, Annette (née Desmarais) 44
Deacon, Frederick William 44
Deacon, Frederick William Sr. 44
Deacon, Gertrude Arnolda (née Van Rooyen) 44
Deacon, Mark Frederick 44
Deacon, Michelle Annette 44
Deacons Garage 49, 51
Decker, Anne 42
Deering family 38
Deering, Leonard 39
Deering, Lloyd 39
Delaplante, Don 82
Denis, Jacqueline 183
Department of Highways 21, 37, 41, 90, 158, 172
Depencier, Olive 37
Desjardins, Yvon 118
Desrosiers, Jamie 73
Desrosiers, Mike 73
Desrosiers, Ruth 174
Devins, Alma [midwife] 30
Dewey's [store] 167
Dewsbury, Dawn 176
Digulla family 89
Digulla, Herb 92, 95, 101, 118
Digulla, Walter 91, 92
Dinelle, Andrew 22
Dinelle, Cecile 22
Dinelle, Ghislaine 22
Dinelle, Helen 22
Dinelle, Henri 22
Dinelle, Lucy 22
Dinelle, Marguerite 22
Dinelle, Pierre 22
Dinelle, Rose Euphrasie (née Prévost) 22
Distinguished Service Order Medal 57
Dome Mine 144
Donoghue, Jim 70
Douglas, Betty 18
Douglas, Catherine 18
Douglas, David 18
Douglas, Doug 18
Douglas, Fred 18
Douglas, Lillian 18
Douglas, Paul 18, 172
Douglas, Stan 18
Drake-Merritt 107, 108
Drive-In Theatre (also Tri-Town Drive -In Theatre) 172
DTSSAB (District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board) 50
Dumais, Elzir (née Boissoneault) 12
Dumais, Gédéon 12
Dumais, Gracia 12
Dumais, Laurent 12
Dumais, Lucien 12
Dumoulin, Edith 111
Dumoulin, Ray 111
Dunning, Dr. 83
Dunning, George 155
Dupuis, Mrs. [teacher] 133
Durrell, Bill 92, 102
Dymond Central School 133
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Earlton Steam & Antique Show 42
Eaton's 140
Eckensviller family 69
école Sainte-Cecile 183
école Sainte-Thérèse 155, 179
école St. Charles 127
Economy Grocery 93
Economy Store 100
Edgewater Motel 169
Edwards, Harold 123, 163
Einarson, Bernard 42
Einarson, Steeny 99, 101
Englehart Hospital 146, 152
Englehart, Jake 45
Englehart Lee Pool 51
Eplett, Gordon 40
Eplett's [dairy] 31, 37, 38, 142, 171
Extendicare [nursing home] 11
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Fairy Lake 145
Falls View Brethren in Christ 115
Farlinger, Dr. A.C. 30, 39 171
Farlinger, Dr. Fraser 171
Farm Credit Corporation 190
Farrell, Mrs. [teacher] 37
Fatima High School 155
Ferlott, Dr. 113
Fidelak, Jon 175
Filles d'Isabelle 11
Findlay's Drug Store 84
Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary 180
Fisher, Tom 175
Fleurus [steamship] 96, 102
Flying Fathers [hockey team] 177
Foley, Bev 176
Foley, Steve 176
Forrest, Robert 169
Francis, Al 145
Fraser Hotel 82, 83
Fraser House 83
Fryar, Joe 113
fur 38
Fur Harvesters 38
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Gagnon, Blanche (née Bilodeau) 129
Gagnon, Mr. 129
Gamache, Rene 106
Gauthier, France [physiotherapist] 176
Gauvreau, Eugene 153
Gauvreau, Marie Louise(née Lafreniere) 153
George Taylor Hardware 75, 158, 159, 168
Gerber, Gerald 164, 176
Gerber, Nicole 176
Gibson, Don 172
Girl Guides 179
Glen Walton Shoe Store 140
Globe and Mail 82
Gospel Hall 19
Grand Union Hotel 135
Grant, Carol 174
Grant, Gertie 174
Grant, Wendy 175
Graydon, Bill 172
Graydon, Judy 172, 173
Grayd's Hardware 123
Greenwood, Bill 161
Grenier, Lisette 180
Grolway, Claudia (née Leveille) 126
Grolway, Ray 126
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Haileybury Golf Club 118, 156
Haileybury Hospital 71, 177
Haileybury Hotel 10
Haileybury Lions Club 72
Haileybury Public School 72, 167
Haileybury School of Mines 9, 77, 78, 145
Haileybury Wharf, 14
Hanlon, Mark 103
Hanmer, Joanne 168
Hardie, Brenda 176
Harman, Cordelia (Delia) (née Tellier) 147
Harman, George 147
Hastings, George 161
Hawkins, Dr. Bruce [optometrist] 175
Hawn, Cecil 172
Hearn, Albert 130
Hearn, Allie 130
Hearn, Delma 130
Hearn, Dick 130
Hearn, Eva 54
Hearn, Francis 130
Hearn, George 130
Hearn, Jim 130
Hearn, Joe 130
Hearn, John 130
Hearn, John Henry 52, 130
Hearn, Louis 130
Hearn, Margaret 130
Hearn, Marie 130
Hearn, Marjorie 130
Hearn, Mary 130
Hearn, Rose Grace (née Baker) 52, 130
Hearn, Shirley 130
Hearn, Terry 65
Hearn, Thelma 130
Hearn, Wilfred 130
Hearn, William Albert 52, 130
Hearn, Verna Yvonne (née Messenger) 62
Hetherington, Archie [teacher] 125, 133, 162
Hetherington, Mrs. [teacher] 133
Highland School 32, 39, 189
Highway Book Shop 43
Hill-Clark-Francis, Limited 17, 21, 68, 137
Hillview Pioneer United Church 173
Hillview Store 162
Hogan's Restaurant 124
Holden, Jim 173
Holdsworth, Alice Bertha (née Littlejohns) 67
Holdsworth, Elizabeth Ann (Ann) (née Borgford) 67, 172
Holdsworth, Eugene Dorris 67
Holdsworth, Evelyn Martha (née Raymond) 67
Holdsworth, Reginald Morris (Reg) 67
Holdsworth, Ronald Eugene 67
Holdsworth, Russell Mark 67
Holdsworth, William Hunter 67
Holy Cross Church 11, 12
Home Outfitters 172
Honsinger, Ira [teacher] 43
Honsinger, Phil 43
Horse Club 173
Horticultural Society 135
Hosking, Amy 73
Hosking Diamond Drilling Company 77
Hosking, Donald James 73
Hosking, Edna Viola (née Campbell) 73
Hosking, Gayle 73
Hosking, James 73
Hosking, Joan (née Adamson) 73
Hosking, Lorraine Gratton Desrosiers 78
Hosking, Tricia 73
Hosking, William James 73
Hosking, Xandra 73
Housley, Dr. 117
Hudson Bay Company 38
Hudson Consolidated School 158
Hudson Fire Department Auxilliary 173
Hudson Hall 165, 176
Hudson Lakes Association 78
Hudson Young at Heart Seniors Club 142
Hughes, Jennie 124
Hughes, Wellington 124
Hugh's Grocery 167
Hunt, Daisy Grace (née Rolfe) 79
Hunt, Eileen (née Armstrong) 79
Hunt, Henry Hudson 79
Hunt, Hudson 79
Hunt, John Rolfe 79
Hunt, Mary Jane 79
Hunt, Sir John 80
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Imperial Oil 45
Institute of Cardiology 153
International Pulp and Paper Company 157
IODE (International Order of Daughters of the Empire) 28
Irwin, Vera 140
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James Bay Travel Association 156
James, Bruce 174
Janes, Josie 32
Jarvis, Mary [teacher] 36, 175
Jemmett, Chuck 42, 69
Jenkins, Helen 172
Jerry's Meat Market 160
Jibb, Herb 30, 31
Jibb, Joe 36
Jibb, Ritchie 39
Johnson, Don 41
Johnson, Drake and Piper 108
Johnston, Shirley 168
Jones' Grocery Store 68
Junior Farmers 42
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Kant family 89
Katona, Eleanor (née Jarvis) 172
Katona, Jerry 172
KDCDC (Kirkland and District Community Development Corporation) 50
Kelly, Dennis 155
Kemp, Frank 171
Kemp, Harry 171
Kern Lions Club 72
Kerns Central School 71, 72, 164, 172, 175
Kernz, Erna 113
Kerr, Gordon 161
Kerr, Toots 161
Kerr-Addison Mine 92, 110
Kirkby, William 31
Kirkland Lake Winter Carnival 50
Knight, Mrs. [teacher] 133
Knights of Columbus 11, 156
Kramp, Bill 35
Kramp, Kelly 175
Kramp, Morley 35
Kramp, Russell 93
Kruger, Adolph Paul 86
Kruger, Carrie (née Yateman) 86
Kruger, Charles Milton 86
Kruger, Debbie (née_____ )112
Kruger, Dennis Raymond 104, 112
Kruger, Frank 91
Kruger, Harold 93
Kruger, Herbert Arthur 86
Kruger, Irma Erika (née Siewert) 100
Kruger, Judy (née Sullivan) 112
Kruger, Lawrence Edward 86
Kruger, Linda (née _____) 112
Kruger, Lottie (née Pearce)112
Kruger, Ron 112
Krugerdorf 39, 86, 88
Kunce, Miss [teacher] 170
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Labelle, Glenda 172
Lady Minto Hospital 67, 136
Lakefield College 76, 77
Lakehead College 71
Lakeshore Hotel 82, 83
Lakeview Apartments 71
Lakeview Towers 119
Lamarche, Marielle (née Rhéaume) 181
Land Grant Settlement Act 141, 143
Landers, Karen 112
Landers, Laura (née Kruger) 112
Landers, Peter 120
Landriault, Alphonse Edward 121, 161
Landriault, Anita 121
Landriault, Aylmer 161
Landriault, Beverley (née Hughes) 121
Landriault, Catherine (née Leroux) 121
Landriault, Cindy 121
Landriault, Darin 121
Landriault, Delores 121
Landriault, Fran 121
Landriault, Gaetane 121
Landriault, Joseph 121
Landriault, Jeffrey Edward 121
Landriault, Kimberley Ann 121
Landriault, Louise 121
Landriault, Peter 121
Landriault, Rachele 121
Landriault, Roger 161
Lantaigne, Janine (née Rhéaume) 181
Lasalle Theatre 53
Laurentian University 71, 175
Lea, Corrie 173
Lea, Gary 173
Leblanc, Robert 155
Leclerc, Angelina 126
L'école Moffett 183
Legion 29
Leisure Inn Motel 156
Lemoine, Rheal 155
Lentz, Emily 92
Leveille, George 126
Leveille, Kimberley (née Kat) 126
Leveille, Pauline (née Dufresne) 126
Leveille, Rosaire 126
Leveille, Rheal 126
Leveille, Valencia Cecile (née Bilodeau) 126
Lilley, Mr. Harold 132
Lions Club 152
Lippett, George 31, 40
Little, Alex 42
Low, Jenny 175
Lukeman, Dr. 111
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MacDougall, Jim 42
MacKay's Garage 158
Mackey, Sean 173
MacLeod, Alma 111
MacNamara Construction Co 93, 94, 97, 103
MacPherson, Francis 123
MacVeigh family 167
Maddock, Sue 171
Madore, Alexina (née Lefebvre) 178
Madore, Aline (née Bilodeau) 178
Madore, Diane 178
Madore, Denise 178
Madore, Fernand 178
Madore, Lauriat 178
Madore, Leon 178
Madore, Lina 178
Madore, Wilfred 178
Mageau, Dr. Laurie 175
Maguire, Mrs. [teacher] 162
Maguire's Garage 17, 41, 42
Marsh, Mrs. [midwife] 86
Martin, Mr. [teacher] 89
Masonic Hall 124, 170, 190
McAllister, Douglas 136
McAllister, Evelyn (née Grawey) 136
McAllister, Harold 136
McArthur, Dr. 103
McCarty, Dean 130
McCool School 36
McCool United Church 36
McCullough, Charlotte 76
McCullough, Dr. 121
McDougall, Mrs. [teacher] 37
McGuiness Siding 26
McKinnon, Sandra 76
McLean, Davis Alexander (Alex) 130
McLean, Deborah Gail 130
McLean, Eve Sharon Gail (née Hearn) 130, 66
McLean, Randolph Davis 130
McLean, Rosanna Elizabeth 130
McLean, Vincent Alexander 130
McLeod, Linda 115
McNaughton, Tim 115
McVey, Lianne 175
McWatters Gold Mine 74
Medland, Vic 76
Merritt, Chapman and Scott 108
Merry Widow Health Mine 115
Middlemiss, Dr. 171
Mike's Food Store 14
Miller, Harry 36
Miners Festival 84
Miners Home Tavern 9
Ministry of Community and Social Services 156
Ministry of Natural Resources 38
Ministry of the Attorney General 156
Ministry of Transportation 37, 189
mink 38
Misericordia Hospital 67
Moar, Joanne 171
Moar, Wayne 171
Monahan, Iola 173
Monteith [prison] 45
Montgomery, Mr. [teacher] 89
Moore, Charlie 158
Moore, Laura (née Walker) 157
Moore, Walter 157
Moore's Cove 170
Morgan, Vedan 119
Morissette Diamond Drilling 145
Morrow family 69
Morrow, Elzie 31
Mrs. McNeil's Maternity Home 130
Muir, Vicki 176
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Nadeau, Frankie 175
Napper, Mr. [school inspector] 71
National Grocers 160
New Hosco Copper Mine 77
New Liskeard Community Hall 174
New Liskeard Cubs 69
New Liskeard Golf Club 165, 174
New Liskeard High School 18, 42, 70, 71, 138, 189
New Liskeard Hospital 141, 171, 185
New Liskeard Agricultural Society 173
New Liskeard Public School 16, 17, 69, 138, 158
New Liskeard Railway Station 19
New Toronto 31, 33, 38, 40
Newman, Jacqui 165, 176
Newman Steel 114
Newman, Sue 171
Newton, Beatrice 36
Niagara Finance 189
Nipissing University 85, 175
Nixon, Begg and Hutchinson 139
Noranda Elementary School 76
Noranda Hotel 113
Noranda Mines 77, 103, 114, 155
Normal School see Teachers' College
North Bay Nugget 82
Northdale Manor 174
Northeast Airlines 98
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 84
Northern Calling [book] 85
Northern News 82, 85
Northern Ontario Journalist of the Year Award 85
Northern Ontario Power 68
Northern Stockyards 152
Northern Telephone Company 84, 85, 118
Northern Truck Centre 42
Northland Bible Camp 21
Northlander Train 76
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O.N.R. (Ontario Northland Railway) 94
Ocean Limited 100, 102
O'Grady Brothers 32, 33
O'Grady, Jack 32
OK Café 55
O'Neil, Bill 166
O'Neil, Jennie 166
Ontario Federation of Agriculture 173
Ontario Hydro 68, 164, 171, 172, 176
Ontario Masters' Track and Field Meet 175
Ontario Northland Railway 87
Orange Hall 177
OTA (Ontario's Trappers Association) 38
Ouellet, Ernest 182
Our Mother of Perpetual Help Church 124
Outdoor Life 166
Overseas Club 56
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Pace, Dr. P. J. 175
Pace, Jonathan 175
Pace, Judy 175
Pace, Lindsay 175
Pacey, Alvin 149
Pacey, Lilly 149
Pacey's [scrap yard] 172
Paiement, Mr. 131
Pamour Mines 112
Pan American Masters Games 175
Pannell, David Clark 136
Pannell, Karen Evelyn 136
Pannell, Marion Alice (née McAllister) 136
Pannell, Patricia Diane 136
Pannell, Richard Thomas 136
Pannell, Walter Richard 136
Pape's Steakhouse 170
Paquin, Janine 183
Park Plaza Hotel 102
Park Royal 184
Paul Harris Fellowship Award 85
Pearse, Ralph 119
Pedersen, Helmer 159
Peers, Ken 111
Peers, Thelma 111
Peters, Cora 173
Peters, Delbert 70
Peters, Mike 173
Peters, Rod 173
Pettau, Allen Brian 141
Pettau, Edward 141
Pettau, Elsie Louise 141
Pettau, Hilda 141
Pettau, Imogene (née Pinder) 141
Pettau, Nancy Louise 141
Pettau, Natalie (née Zackert) 141
Pettau, Richard Karl 141
Pettau, Susan Jean 141
Pettau, Walter Karl 141
Phillips, Charles Wesley 185
Phillips' Country Store 172, 187
Phillips, Edward 132
Phillips, Lloyd 39
Phillips, Sarah Ann (née_____) 185
Plaunt, Jack 95
Plaunt, Mary [teacher] 168
Playshop Nursery School 173
Plumstead, Bill 175
Polar Bear Express [train] 43, 114
Pollock, Mrs. 81
Poupore, Andrew (Andy) William 146
Poupore, Cathy 146
Poupore, Dorothy (Dot) Mae (née Simpkin) 146
Poupore, Michael 146
Poupore, Sherran 146
Prévost, Evarus 22
Primeau, Cecil 46
Princess Hotel 53
Prospectors and Developers Association 78
Provost, Matthew 118
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Queen's Hotel 100, 101
Queen's Jubilee Medal 85
Queen's Own Rifles 63
quilt design 29
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Ragaudie, Fern 103
Ramsay, Peter 76, 170
Reckzin, Wilfred 93
Red Cross Day 37
Red School 150
Regal Bakery 154
Regimball, Richard 155
Rexwood Products 187
Rhéaume, Alexis 182
Rhéaume, André 181
Rhéaume, Carmelle 181
Rhéaume, Charles-Aimé 181
Rhéaume, Fernande 183
Rhéaume, Gerald 181
Rhéaume, Giselle 184
Rhéaume, Jacques 181
Rhéaume, Jean-Charles 181
Rhéaume, Jean-Paul 181
Rhéaume, Jules, 181
Rhéaume, Julia (née Verrier) 181
Rhéaume, Marcel 181
Rhéaume, Marie-Claire 181
Rhéaume, Maurice 181
Rhéaume, Michel 183
Rhéaume, Rolland 181
Richards, Rod 18
Richelieu Club 173
Riley, Marg 119
Rio Algom Mine 114
Rivard, Joseph 126
Rivard, Marcelline (née Duquette) 126
Riverfront Chiropractic 175
Rivet, Agnes (née Hebert) 153
Rivet, André 153
Rivet, Claude 153
Rivet, Denise 153
Rivet, Diane (née Rhéaume) 153, 181
Rivet, Frederic 153
Rivet, Frederic Sr. 153
Rivet, Hugues 153
Rivet, Jean-Pierre 153
Rivet, Marcelle (née Gauvreau) 153
Rivet, Nicolas 153
Rivet, Rémi 153
Rivet, Rodolphe 153
Rivet, Suzanne 153
Rivet, Yves 153
Robertson, Mr. [teacher] 89
Rolfe, A.W. 80
Rolph, Ann Marie 166
Rolph Crafts 169
Rolph, Florie 166
Rolph, Frank 166
Rolph, Mary 166
Rolph Personal Service Bureau 166
Ross, Dr. J. T. 171
Ross, Ian 73
Ross, Gail (née Neill) 76
Ross, Lyda 152
Rouyn-Noranda Press 81, 82
Royal Canadian Regiment 62, 63
Royal Ontario Museum 96
Rubinetz, Pete 89
Rutherford's [store] 162
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S.S.#1 Chamberlain 46, 89
Sacred Heart Church 124
Saint Michel 122
Saint-Joseph Church 184
Saint-Patrick's Church 155
Sainte-Thérèse Church 155
Salvation Army 19, 41, 190
Samis, Ellie (née Hearn) 54
Samis, John 54, 135
Samis, Mabel 135
Sargent, Jim 174
Scotia Bank 124
Scott, Dick 171
Scott, Douglas Wesley 157
Scott, Eleanor June 157
Scott, Ena Violet 157
Scott, Glenn Rolph 157
Scott, Harry 172
Scott, Jack 119
Scott, James 157
Scott, Janet Patricia 157
Scott, Laura Violet (née Moore) 157
Scott, Linda Margaret (née Rolph) 166, 157
Scott, Lois Jean 157
Scott, Margaret Jane (née Barr) 157
Scott, Maud 171
Scott, Nancy Elizabeth 157
Scott, Norma 165, 171
Scott, Pat 176
Scott, Robert James (Jim) 157
Scott, Susan Jane 157
Scott, Timothy James 157
Scott, Thomas James (Tommy) 125, 157
Scott, Violet 172
Scott, Walt 173
Scott, William John 157
Scully family 83
Seed, Greg 176
Seed, Jeff 164, 176
Selkirk College 65
Seymour, Carter 42
Sharpe, Sally Evelyn (née Holdsworth) 67
Sharpe, Veda 67
Shaver, Charles (Bud) 177
Shaver, Irene Angeline Marie (Brown) (née Madore) 177
Sheedy, Jessie 174
Sherman Mine 145
Sherritt, Agnes 174
Sherritt, Jim 35
Silversides, Dr. 112
Simmons, Mrs. 171
Simon, Mr. 40
Simon, Wilfred 39
Simpkin, Alexander Percival 146
Simpkin, Annie (née Poyner) 146
Simpkin, Archibald Percival (Archie) 146
Simpkin, Clair Hugh 146
Simpkin, Dora Evelyn (née Harman) 146
Simpkin, John Alvin 146
Simpkin, Kevin 146
Simpkin, Linda Ruth 146
Siscoe Mine 144
Sisters of Providence Hospital 13
Slowpitch Associations 173
Smallman's [pharmacy] 167
Smith, Joanne 176
Smith, Mr. [teacher] 89
Smith, Owen 174
Smith, Shannon 175
Solid Silver Mine 31, 40, 41
Spangler, Mrs. [teacher] 162
Spence, Colleen 172, 173
Spence, Travis 175
Spencer, Al 155
Spencer, Bill 31
St-Onge, Florence 183
St. James' Anglican Church 83
St. Joseph's College 169
St. Jules 6
St. Paul's Church 71, 135, 164, 167 172
Ste-Thérèse School 180
Stedelman, William (Bill) 33, 38
Stedelman's Spring 38
Stedman's [store] 171, 186
Stothart, Libby 169, 171
Strand Theatre 167
Strangway, David 49
Stroud, Les 173
Sunnyside [camp] 169
Sutton, Leila (née Barlett) 140
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Return to Top of Index page
UCW see United Church Women
Union Gas 84
United Church Women 93, 109
United Parcel Service Inc 141
University of Guelph 146
University of Toronto 143, 146
Uno Park 159
Uno Park Church 99
Uno Park School 111, 155
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Valley View Cemetery 182
Valley View Potato Club 163
Ventures 89
Villneff, Margaret 3
Vineland Missionary Church 127
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Wabi Iron Works 93, 109, 116, 118, 119, 142, 144
Wadge, Sam 88, 90, 111
Wagg, Robert 22
Wagg, Wendy Elizabeth (née Burk) 22
Walker, Alan Keneth 183
Walker, Brian Robert 183
Walker, Donald Francis 184
Walker, James 183
Walker, James Bruce 182
Walker, James Norman 182
Walker, Karen Lynn 183
Walker, Mina (née Strong) 183
Walker, Mina Jean 183
Walker, Norma Ellen (née McKelvie) 182
Walker, Robert 183
Walker, Robert Daniel 182
Walker, Walter Bruce 183
Walker, Walter Eugene "Red" 183
Walker, Walter Kenneth "Ken" 182
Walker, Winnifred (née Wark) 182
Walter Little Transport 113, 114
Wark, Lawrence 182
Wark, Wilhelmina "Minnie" (née Pletzer) 182
Watters, Alice 81
Watters, Carmel 81
Watters, Clarence "Porky" 81, 135, 145
Watters, John David 81
Watters, Lauretta 81
Watters, Leo 81
Watters, Mary 81
Watters, Peter 81
Watters, Rose Marie (née Lajoie) 81
Waugh, Amy Elinor (née Tucker) 177
Waugh, Jesse George 177
Wes Shepherdson and Sons 167
Wheel Inn 23, 92, 156
White Rose Service Station 84
White School 111
Whitney, James Pliny [Ontario Premier] 49
Wilkinson, Alta May (née Bell) 152
Wilkinson, Clarence 153
Wilkinson Construction 152
Wilkinson, George Clifford 90, 152
Wilkinson, John 152
Wilkinson, Paul 152
William Pollock and Son Limited 134, 135
Willard, Solomon 93
Wilson, Lloyd 185
Winger, Henry 123
Women's Association 158
Women's Institute 18, 129, 158
Woods Hardware Ltd. 39, 103
Woollings, T.S. 133
Woollings Forest Products 134
Wootton, William 183
Wright, Ada May (née Ludlow) 170
Wright, Allan John 170
Wright, William Harold 170
Wright, William John 170
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Young Peoples 156, 166, 172
Young-Davidson [mine] 89
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