Learning 9 to 4

Learning 9 to 4
Early Rural Schools in Temiskaming

The Little Claybelt Homesteaders Museum continues its work in capturing the early history of the area by compiling the information and pictures for the early rural schools in Temiskaming.

These one-room schools were a source of pride for the people of the community who built them. They were the centre of community activities, as well as often serving as a church until one was built. They were generally built of wood, with a few exceptions of brick. They were poorly heated and ventilated. Occupants froze on early winter mornings and sweltered on hot spring and fall days. Lighting was also a problem. Some schools had very little in the way of equipment, such as blackboards, maps, globes and textbooks. Yet they imparted the necessary knowledge to improve and upgrade our communities generation after generation. We owe them a debt of gratitude, and honour them with this remembrance.

Covered are schools in the following townships: Armstrong, Barber, Beauchamp, Brethour, Bryce, Bucke, Cane, Casey, Coleman, Dymond, Firstbrook, Harley, Harris, Henwood, Hilliard, Hudson, Kerns, Lorrain, Pense, Tudhope and smaller assorted schools where information could be found.

Go Here for Table of Contents | Go here for a look at the Index

ISBN: 978-0-9921605-9-3 | WMPub#7985 | 8½" x 11" | 198 pages, 16 double-column pages of index, 344 graphic files including 18 township maps; trade paperback | $30.00

Table of Contents

3 Foreword

6 Area Map of Townships

7 Opening Exercises

7 Definitions

7 School Levels

7 Early Schools

7 Teachers Certificates

8 Students

8 School Inspectors

10 Books

12 Work Sheets

12 Hektograph Pad

12 Hektograph Ink

13 Attendance

13 Activities

14 High School Entrance Examinations

18 School Boards

19 Higher Education

19 Marjorie Herridge Boarding House

20 Little Old Red School House

21 Armstrong Township Schools

22 Armstrong Township S.S.#1

25 S.S.#2 Armstrong, Tinney School

26 U.S.S.#2 Armstrong and Beauchamp

27 Barber-Cane-Bryce-Tudhope Township Schools

28 Barber and Bryce Townships

28 S.S.#1 Barber,

28 Mountain Chutes School

29 Tudhope Township

29 Bryce Township

29 S.S.#1 Bryce or U.S.S.#1 Bryce and Beauchamp

30 Beauchamp Township

31 S.S.#1 Beauchamp

31 S.S.#2 Beauchamp

35 Brethour Township

36 S.S.#1 Brethour

36 S.S.#2 Brethour-Pense

37 S.S.#3 Brethour and Hilliard

40 Bucke Township

41 S.S.#1

41 S.S.#2 Clover Valley School

49 S.S.#5 Moores Cove School

54 Cane Township

55 Cane Township Schools

56 S.S.#1 Cane School Teachers

57 Casey Township

58 First School

58 S.S.#1 Casey  Bolgers School

59 S.S.#2 Casey - Harris Public School

63 S.S.#5 Casey

64 Coleman Township

65 S.S.#2 Coleman - Gillies Depot School

66 S.S.#3 Coleman

66 Giroux Lake / Kerr Lake Public School

68 West Cobalt School - also known as Coleman

69 Mileage 104 School- also known as OBrien

69 Temiskaming Mine School

70 Dymond Township

71 New Liskeard Public School 1895 - 1903

73 U.S.S.#2 Dymond and Harley Uno Park School

76 S.S.#3 Dymond , Chesters Corners School

80 S.S.#4 Dymond, Calamity Gulch School

83 S.S.#5 Dymond, Rockley School

85 Dymond Central Public School

88 Firstbrook Township

89 First School

89 S.S.#2 Firstbrook

90 Harley Township

91 S.S.#1 Harley

91 Hanbury School

95 S.S.#4 Harley

97 S.S.#5 Harley

101 Harris Township

102 The First School in Harris

102 S.S.#1 Harris, Balls School

105 S.S.#2 Harris, Dales School

109 U.S.S.#3 - Harris - Dymond

110 Henwood Township

111 S.S.#1 Henwood

111 Kenabeek School

114 Hilliard Township

115 S.S.#1A Hilliard - Whitewood Grove

119 Hilliard and Armstrong U.S.S.#1A - Whitewood Grove

121 Hilliard S.S.#1B  S.S.#1A

122 S.S.#2 Hilliard

125 Hilliard and Harley U.S.S.#3, Couttsville School

129 Hilliardton Public School

131 Hudson Township

132 S.S.#1 Hudson

133 Hudson Consolidated School

140 Kerns Township

141 S.S.#1A Kerns, Milberta School

149 S.S.#1B Kerns, Highland School

152 S.S.#3 Kerns, McCool School

156 U.S.S.#2 Kerns-Armstrong, Red School

164 Kerns Central Public School

167 Lorrain Township

168 S.S.#1 Lorrain

170 South Lorrain Township

170 S.S.#1 Maidens Bay School

170 S.S.#2 Lorrain

171 Silver Centre School

173 Montreal River - Matabitchuan School

175 Pense Township

176 S.S.#3 Pense and Hilliard

177 Other Townships

178 Other Schools

178 Castle-Trethewey, OBrien, Gowganda, Haultain-Nicol, And Nicol

180 In Closing

181 Index