Booyah, Memories of an Old Rink Rat
The Life and Times of Don Pecore

Don Pecore was a man who touched many lives, and while the index of this books does not hope to cover all of them, the entries indicate those who are mentioned by name, or who appear in the many photographs included in the book.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O
P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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26th Canadian Army Tank Regiment 79

Cover of Booyah, Memories of an Old Rink Rat


Adamo, Bill 57

Adamo, Frank 57

Adamson, Bob 60

Algonquin Regiment 49, 74

American League Hockey 130

Anderson, Ivan 31

Andrews, Fred (Fritz) 39, 40, 44, 45, 48

Ansonville Cubs 44, 45, 48

Antler, Bill 146, 168

Antwerp 99

Apollo Arena 109

Apollo Hall 53

Apollo Ice Rink 54

Arbique, Heather 146

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 100

Armstrong, Don 141, 144

Arnott, B. 138

Arnprior Chronicle 10

Atlas (ship) 10

Auger, Tom 135

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Babando, Pete 38, 44, 45, 60, 61, 126, 130

Bagordo, Paul 5, 18

Bagordo, Tina (Christine) (née Pecore) (1948) 5, 178

Baker, Dusty 58, 138

Banich, Buff 62

Baptiste, Jean 7

Barnes, Barney 70

Barrie Colts 46,47

Bass, D. 138

Bateman, B. 138

Battle of the Scheldt 103

Battrick, Bill 126, 135

Belisle, Ashley 16

Belisle, Dan 133

Belisle, Rod 62

Bertrand, Dick 64

Besette, Mrs. 81

Besley, Mr. (principal) 135

Bettiol, Frankie 62

Bettiol, Pete 137

Blair, Chuck 130

Blair, Frank and Tommy 23

Blair, John 68

Blair, Rose 68

Blueliner, 149

Boarding and Stopping Place 8

Boetto, John 137

Boetto, Ray 136,137

Booth, J.R. 9

Bowes, Ossie 135

Braet, Andre 5, 53

Braet,, Lornette 5, 53

Bramalea Guardian 142, 143

Bridoon 83

Brigden, Caroline 10

Brigden, Charles Stephen (1828) 10

Brigden, Charles Thomas 10

Brigden, Charles Thomas Jr. (1854) 10

Brigden, Elizabeth Caroline (née Cannon) 10

Brigden, Joseph 10

Brigden, Mary Ann (1873) 10, 11

Brigden, Phoebe 10

Brigden, Sarah Bridget (née McGuire) (1852) 10

Brigden, William James Patrick (1875) 11

British Columbia Regiment 89, 93

Brock, General Isaac 8

Broda, Turk, 54

Brown, Charlie 74

Brown, Eddie 44, 45, 124, 126

Brown, K.E. 51

Brown, Padre W. L. 82

Brynes, Rick 63

Buckman, Gord 57, 135

Buffalo Ankerite 48, 74

Buffalo Ankerite Gold Mine 11

Burns, Albert 17

Burns, Catherine (Kay) née Murray 17

Burns, Charles Stephen (Steve) 10, 13, 23, 26, 61

Burns, Elnora 20

Burns, George 10

Burns, George Jeremiah 7, 10, 19, 20, 23, 25, 39, 61

Burns, James Albert William (Jim, Jimmy) (1910) 10, 13, 16, 17, 18, 25. 51, 57, 58, 61

Burns, James Henry (1876) 7, 10, 21

Burns, Kathryn Emilor 10, 21

Burns, Mary (née Sampson) 10

Burns, Patrick (1801) 10

Burns, Rose Eva 10, 24

Burns, Sarah Burnedeth 10

Burns, Sarah Ellen (née Brigden) (1880) 10, 11, 21, 23, 28, 177

Burns, Steve 10, 13, 23, 61

Burns, William (1839) 10

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Camp Borden 75,119

Canadian Amateur Hockey Association 175

Canadian Atlantic Railway 9

Canadian Industrial Corporation 21

Canadian Military Cemetery 108

Canadian National Exhibition 77

Canadian Overseas Fire Fighters 17

Canadian Pacific Railway 10

Canadian-Netherlands Committee 108

Capyk, Mike 14, 44, 48, 73

Capyk, Steve 39, 44, 45, 73

Cardinal, Dominque 7

Cardinal, Sarah (née Picard) (1865) 7

Carnegie, Herbie 58

Cattarello, Carlo 42, 44, 45, 48, 51, 54, 55, 60, 61, 62

Cattarellos Pool Room 73

Charbonneau, Gil 62

Cheltenham Harvesters 140, 144

Cherrier, C. 138

Chevrier, Albert 137

Chevrier, Don 48,63

Clement, Bob 62

Clouthier, Ivan 134, 165

Clouthier, Moe 132

Coniarum Flyers 74

Convent of Mary Immaculate 34

Cook, Johnny 58

Cosco, Tony 134

Costain, Harry 7

Costello, Father Les 133, 159

Costello, J. Murray 81, 130, 133, 175

Costello, Jack 63, 131, 132, 135, 136, 152, 159, 164

Courschane, Leo 146

Couture, J.E. 51

Crawford, Bobby 64

Crerar, Lieutenant General 82

Crone, G.H. 108

Cropley, J. 138

Crosswell, Sue 146

Cunningham, Bruce 132

Cunningham, Charlie 44, 45, 48

Cunningham, Jack 44, 60, 126

Curnow, Herb 62

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Dantonio, Matt 146

Davidson Mine 7

Davis, Basil 163

Davis, Lyle 64

Deacon, Jimmy 44, 45, 62

Decario, Vito 131,132

Delmonte, Tony 58

DeLuca, Dave 18

Derosa, Ernie 108

Desert Rats 85, 95

Detroit Red Wings 133

DiBerardino, Don 64, 131, 132, 137

Dillabough, Bill 147

Dillon, A. 138

Dillon, Russell (Mickey) 40, 43, 44, 45, 48

Dillon, Vi 125

Disher, Hamer 127

Doerr, Braden G. 152

Dome Mine 10, 17,18, 30, 73, 120, 126, 127, 129, 135, 136, 163

Dome School 59

Donald Pecore Trophy 166

Donovan, Matt 41

Doran, Bummer 14

Doran, Hubert 44

Doran, Lloyd (Red) 44, 45, 48

Doublerink 71, 148, 149, 167, 169

Duncan, M. 146

Dutch Wartime Resistance Veteran Volunteers 157

Dwyer, Bill 64, 132, 159, 164

Dwyer, Terry 137, 138, 164

Dysart, Ralph (Dodie) 39, 44, 45, 48

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Edgcumbe, Charlie 42, 44, 45

Edmonds, Ollie 147

Emard, Val 58

Empress Hotel 14

Evans, J.A. 51

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Farant, Willie 17

Faulkner, Laura 125

Feldman's Grocery 14

Fera, Jim 60

Fire (South Porcupine Arena) 128

First Roman Catholic Diocese 8

Flying Fathers 133

Flying Moms 147

Fors, Buddy 62

Foucault, Nicole 149

Fox, Jack 14

Fraser, Scott 146

Frederickhouse River 9

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Gagne, Vivian 70

Gagnon, Bill 41

Galbraith, Gus 62

Gallagher, John 141

Gallop, J.F. 51

Gaulin, R. 51

Gazzola, Pete 62

General Eisenhower 83

Gervais, Ron (Red) 129, 132, 134

Gibbons, Murray 89

Gignac, Ben 66, 69, 172

Gilham, Harry 75

Giovanella, Charles 44, 45, 48

Giovanella, Mario 44, 45

Glasier, W. D. 51

Golden Avenue Public School 41, 58, 59, 124

Golden Manor 21

Golden Puck Tournament 68

Goodship, Karen 146, 165

Goodship, Shirley 149, 169

Goudrie, Tom 49

Governor General Foot Guards 82, 178

Grant, Walter 58

Great Porcupine Fire of 1911 9

Greco, Mario 64, 132

Grey and Simcoe Foresters 74, 178

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Haileybury Convent 21, 24

Halifax Rifles 77

Hall, Glenn 136

Hall, Ken 64,163

Hamilton, Bruce 136

Hamilton, Paddy 73

Hammond, M. 146

Hammond, Ruth 147

Hammond, Sue 146

Haneberry, Vic 57, 58

Hanneberry, Jim 135

Hanneberry, John 165

Hanneberry, Mr. 43

Hargreaves, Wright 48

Harrington, Patrick (Paddy) 31

Hartling, Jim 64

Hellstien, Allen 132

Helmer, Harold 44, 45

Hemming, J. 51

Hepworth, Jack 57, 58, 135

Hills, Vic 75

Hills, Wally and Vic 23

Hipkin, Bernadette 74

Hockey Night in Canada 161

Hollinger Mines 136

Honer, Billy 44

Horton, Oriole 147

Howe, Jolly 40, 44, 45, 126

Huggins, Frank 58

Huggins, Lyn 58

Huot, Rene 132

Hutchinson, Ron 64

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Ilola, Kayo 60

International Hockey Association 53

Iroquois Falls Eskies 13

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Jacks, Sam 71, 137, 138, 146

Jeffrey, Bella (née Pecore) 27

Jeffrey, Flora 27

Jeffrey, Myrtle 27

Jemmett, Chuck 41

Johnson, Russ 57

Johnston, Flora 27

Johnston, George 135

Johnston, Henry 27

Johnston, Sarah (née Pecore) 27

Johnston, Wilfred 27

Judge Harry J. Reynolds Trophy 66

Juno Beach 85

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Kavanagh, Clayton 126

Kavanagh, Joe 44

Ken Neeb Award 65

Kennedy, Pearle 43

King George Café 126

King George VI 83

Kitching, Major-General 84

Kormos, G. 138

Kosick, Alex 57, 58

Krankovich, Greg 134, 165

Krizmanich, John 131, 132, 151

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Laffin, Billy 134

Lahaie, Vince 132

Lake Superior Regiment 86, 89, 90, 96, 107

Lake, John 5

Lakehead University 164

Laneville, Claude 64

Larsen, Walt 57

Lausch, Helen 36

Lazarou, Phil 146

Lever, George 64

Lever, George Pappy 61

Libby, Irene 125

Libby, Reg 108

Lipp, Guy 146

Livingston, Bob 23, 111, 112

Lloyd, Ann 147

Lone, Henry 57

Lone, Joe 155, 156

Loyst, John 166, 171

Lucenti, Randy 150, 167

Lunny, Joan (1927) 24

Lunny, John (Jack) (1929) 24

Lunny, John Raymond 24, 25

Lunny, Michael (1938) 24

Lunny, Peter (1935) 24

Lunny, Robert (1930) 24, 25

Lunny, Rose Eva (née Burns) (1904) 24, 25

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MacDonald also see MacDonel or MacDonell

MacDonald, George 31

Macdonnel, Alexander 8

Macdonnel, Angus (1856) 8

Macdonnel, Wm Alexander 8

MacDonnell, Alexander 8

MacDonnell, John Coll (1859) 8

MacDonnell, Miles 8

MacDonnells, Reverend Alexander 8

MacDougal, Major 16

MacDougal, Sam 16

Madock, Karen 146

Magnotich, George 62

Mahon, Ted 60

Maki, Bill 57

Manners, Arnie 48

Maple Leaf Gardens 44, 46

Marinacci, Alfie 58

Martin, Barry 5

Matheson Fire of 1916 11

Maxwell, Bob 142

Maxwell, J. 138

Maxwell, Wayne 132

McCarthy, Red 137, 146

McCauley, Jean 147

McCaw, Jack 127

McCorkell, Sgt. 86

McCorriston, Cliff 57

McCubbin, D. 138

McCullough, Doug 57

McDonald, Ab and Kilby 54

McDonell, Archie 9

McDonell, Coll 9

McDonell, Donald Ronald (1861) 8

McDonell, Flora or Florence (1863) 8

McDonell, Florence (1895) 8

McDonell, John Coll (1859) 8

McDonell, William 8

McGinn, C. 57

McInnis, Archie 16

McInnis, Chief 14

McIntyre Arena 48, 126

McIntyre Mine 126, 136

McKay, Lawrence 60

McKay, Mickey 44

McKay, Mrs. 23

McKay, Tom 75

McLaren, Dr. 13

McLaughlin, Isabella 8

McLellan, Doug 62

McLellan, Johnny 130

McNeil, Bob 62

McNulty, Red 16

McParland, Janice 146

Medig, Jack 169

Mellace, Joe 62

Memorial Gardens 147, 173

Middleton, J.C. 51

Miller, Stan W.S. 75

Miller, Bill (Nick) 132

Miller, Bob (Duke) 132

Miller, Carson 58

Miller, Joe 17, 44

Miller, Mike 14

Miss Terry's Commercial School 21

Mitchell, Helen 172

Mitchell, Norma 147

Mitchell, Ralph 44

Monaghan, Mel 62

Moncel, Brigadier 91

Montgomery, Monty 44

Montgomery, Sir Bernard 83

Montrose, Adam 164

Montrose, Christopher 121

Morel, Leo 135

Morris, Captain 77

Mulcahey, D 138

Mulcahey, Mike 64

Murdock, J. 51

Murphy, Joe 57

Murphy, John 18

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National Hockey League 165

Netty and Nelly 104, 116

New York Rangers 133

NHL Oldtimers 140

Nighthawk Lake 9,32

Nikanen, Charlie 60

Normandy Pilgrimage 153

North Bay Law Association 66

North Bay Minor Hockey Association 66, 68, 147, 149

North Bay Nugget 54, 70, 150, 167

North Bay Sports Hall of Fame 66, 174

North Bay Summer Skating School 149

North Bay Trappers 161

Northern Ontario Hockey Association 13, 65

Northern Ontario Lacrosse Association 38

Northern Ontario Municipal Directors of Recreation 137

Northern Ontario Municipal Recreation Association 137

Northwest Company 8

Nugget Minor Hockey Week Tournament 167

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O'Neill, Barry, 34, 35

O'Neill, James Barry 34, 35

O'Neill, Kathleen Irene (Kay) (née Pecore) (1922) 34, 35, 180

O'Neill, Kerry 34, 35

O'Neill, Michael, 34, 35

O'Neill, Patricia (Paddi) 34, 35

O'Neill, Tim 34, 35

Ontario Hockey Association (OHA) 61

Ontario Ringette Association Hall of Fame 71

Operation Totalize 87

Ouellette, Marie 7

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Pasich, Joe 136

Paslawsky, Ed 62

Paulenko, Earl 62

Pearce, Bob (Bobby) 44, 126

Pecore, Angus 8

Pecore, Angus Hugh (1898) 8

Pecore, Archibald (Archie) Joseph (1902) 9, 27

Pecore, Bella 27

Pecore, Bernadette 27

Pecore, Daniel George 7, 8

Pecore, Don (Donald George) 7, 27, 39, 44, 45, 47, 51, 57, 58, 62, 63, 64, 131, 132, 138, 146

Pecore, Donald (1886) 8, 9, 26, 27

Pecore, Donna Cecilia Mary (1945) 15, 107, 123, 178, 180

Pecore, Flora Isabella (née McDonell) (1863) 8

Pecore, Florence C (Flora) (1904) 9

Pecore, Hannah 9

Pecore, Jim 33, 34

Pecore, Joan (Sister Margaret) 5, 7

Pecore, John James (1894) 8

Pecore, John Joseph James (John J or Jack or J.J.) (1892) 7, 8, 30, 31, 177

Pecore, John Patrick (Jack) (1921) 12, 27, 33, 44, 108

Pecore, Kathleen 27, 28

Pecore, Laura (1895) 8

Pecore, Linda 33, 34

Pecore, Marie (née Tokar) 115, 116, 118, 120, 127, 150, 178, 180

Pecore, Mary (1901) 9

Pecore, Mary Isabelle (1890) 8

Pecore, Michael (1949) 165, 178

Pecore, Michael, Don and Doug 36

Pecore, Peter (1953) 178

Pecore, Peter 33, 34

Pecore, Robert James (Bobby) (1930) 12, 28, 35, 59

Pecore, Ronald Joseph (1900) 8, 27

Pecore, Sarah Ann Charlotte (1896) 8

Pecore, Sheila 33, 34

Pecore, Susan (1951) 178

Pecore, Tessie 27

Pecore, Tom (1947) 162, 163, 165, 178

Pecore, Tommy 69

Pecore, Ursula 27

Pecore, William Alexander (1888) 8, 28

Peterson, Ron 144

Phillips, Major Norman 108

Phoney 86

Picar see Picard, Pecore

Picard, Agnes Mary (1887) 7

Picard, Andrew (1878) 7

Picard, Andrew (1885) 7

Picard, Daniel (1860) 7

Picard, Don see also Pecore, Don 46

Picard, Jean Baptiste (1883) 7

Picard, Louis (1838) 7

Picard, Louis (The Bear) (1868) 7

Picard, Marie Ouellete (née Willard) (1848) 7

Pichette, Robert 137

Picor see also Picar, Picard, Pecore 7

Pirie, Jimmy 64

Pirie, Neil 44, 45, 48, 57

Pitulko, Nancy (née Burns) 65, 127

Polesky, Chester 136

Porcupine Old-Timers 57

Porcupine General Hospital 21

Porcupine Lake 9

Porcupine Redwings 44

Porcupine River 9

Porcupine Skating Rink Company Limited 126

Porter, Lyle 58

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 176

Powassan Hawks 61

Prentice, Dean 130

Presbyterian Mission Hospital 21

Priatel, Ed 132

Prime Minister, the Right Honourable William Lyon 83

Princess Pats, Italy 14

Pyke, Lewis 75, 108, 129

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Quesnay Wood 87

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Ralston, Doryne 81

Ralston, Lila 125

Reardon, Kenny 54

Redbridge School 146

Redwing Farm Team 43

Reid, B. 138

Remmers, Peter 120

Rich, May 23

Richardson, Bill 44

Richer, Rolly 58

Ringette 71, 137, 146, 166, 169

Ringette Hall of Fame 166

Ringler, Chad 70

Rink Commission 125

rink rat 43, 122, 124, 125, 126, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 138, 150, 151, 152, 159, 160, 161, 162, 164, 165, 168

Robertson, Bud 14, 48

Robinson, Bud 42

Robinson, Gord 165

Rodger, Bill (1935) 21, 24, 29, 122, 133

Rodger, Bob (1934) 21, 28, 29

Rodger, Frank 21, 23, 31

Rodger, Kathryn Emilor (Kay) (née Burns) 10, 12, 20, 25

Rodger, Mary (1932) 5, 10, 21, 28, 29

Romanick, George 75, 126

Romanick, Ted 57, 60, 126, 135

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S.S. Andes (ship) 82

Saint Andrews Convent and Separate School 8

Saint Josephs College 34

Saint Josephs Hospital 21

Salvador, F. 138

Sasseville, Gerald (Gerry) 64, 132

Savijari, Ray 62

Schumacher, Frederick W. 126

Scollard Hall 36

Scollard Hall Bears 36

Scots Greys 95

Scott, Barbara Ann (Olympics) 137

Scott, Ike 62

Scott, Lieutenant-Colonel 84

Sgro, Frank 64, 132, 137, 160, 164

Sgro, Joe 132, 133, 134

Sgro, Ralph 65, 164, 165

Sharpe, Ray 64

Shave, M. 138

Sherman, Judy 164

Sherry, Ann 71

Shields, Bill 74

Ship, Bob 60, 61

Sigoli, Frank 57

Simpson, Don 61

Sisters of Assumption 24

Smalley, Roy 139

Smith, Frank 75

Smith, George 44,45

Smith, J. W. 51

South Porcupine Arena 41, 42, 43, 57, 124, 126, 129, 130, 134, 138, 162, 164

South Porcupine Fire Department 16, 17

South Porcupine Gold Kings 63, 133, 166

South Porcupine Golden Avenue Public School Hockey 60

South Porcupine High School 36, 136

South Porcupine Minor Hockey Association 63

South Porcupine Porkies 13, 41, 57, 161, 165

Spadafore, Joe 132

Spence, Gordie 41

St. Andrews Roman Catholic Church and Presbytery 8

St. Joachim Roman Catholic Church 12

St. Marys Hospital 21

St. Michaels Hospital School of Nursing 34

St. Raphael, the first Roman Catholic Church 8

Staines, Ann 71

Stanley, Bill 58

Stanley, Bud 167

Starling, Dave 134

Stoyko, Mike 74, 75

Stringer, Jean 125

Sudbury Wolves 125

Szube, T. 51

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Talentino, Terry 5, 44, 45, 54, 58, 60, 61, 66, 125, 126, 127, 129, 138, 147, 149, 151, 174

tanks 79

Team Canada 134

Tebo, Jim 134

Tedesco, Brian 64

Temiskaming & Northern Ontario (T&NO) Railway 9

Thomas, Buck 44

Timmins Catholic Cemetery 12, 29

Timmins Daily Press 30, 124

Timmins Fire Department 17

Timmins High and Vocational School 129

Timmins Huskies 13

Timmins Memorial Cemetery 18

Tisdale Cemetery 13,21

Tkaczuk, Steve 134

Tkaczuk, Walt 133, 138, 164, 165

Tokar, Frederick (Freddie) Joseph 81, 103, 107

Tokar, Marie Theresa 81

Tomcheck, Ron 134, 135, 152

Toronto Maple Leafs 14, 133, 134

Tremblay, Tex 155, 156

Tucker, Angela (née Pecore) 8, 49

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Ursulak, Bob 136

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Valin, George T. 152

Van Rijswijk, Annie 115, 118, 120

Vezina, Colin 172

Victoria Park Arena 140,144

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West Dome 12, 14, 41

West Ferris Arena 41, 168, 169

West Ferris Ladies Recreation Committee 70, 71, 146, 147, 148

West Ferris Ladies Recreation Squirt Tournament 67

West Ferris Minor Hockey Association 65, 66, 68, 71, 146, 147, 179

West Ferris Minor Hockey Atom Tournament 67

West Ferris Minor Hockey League 59

West Ferris Recreation Centre 145

West Ferris Ringette Association of North Bay 166

Western University 137

Westheuser, Lieut. 87

White, Darlene 5, 53

White, Ernie 81, 129, 133, 161

Wiggins, R. 138

Wilkes, Debbi 144

Wilson, Don 146

Wilson, Jack 10

Winnipeg Rifles 15

Wintario Lottery Corporation 68

Wood, Bob 149

Wright, Frank 18


Zangari, Mario 122, 136, 161

Zangari, Mike 137, 159

Zangari, Severio 131, 132

Zoot Suits 98

Zosche, Lou 62

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