Loves Me, Loves Me Not cover

Loves Me, Loves Me Not
by Johanne Gingras Loach

Have you ever believed you were invincible, or that bad things couldn't possibly happen to you, especially after having survived a rough childhood? Well Johanne did! She believed her future was going to be smooth, pleasant and filled with great happenings until fate intervened.

Miles, in his thirties, a wonderful father, a kind and giving brother to seven siblings, a treasured and respected son, a sociable friend and co-worker, to put it simply, a man loved by many is also Johanne's best friend, caring husband and the love of her life for eleven years, a relationship that is put severely to the test.

Within seconds of trying to swerve away from an oncoming tractor trailer, Miles lost everything he had, the memories of the past and the ability to ever walk again. It recounts the struggles a wife endures as she watches her husband suffer through amnesia, a broken spirit and a shattered life. Truly, a book about the triumph of the human spirit.

Johanne Gingras Loach

Johanne Loach was born in La Sarre, Québec but has lived in North-eastern Ontario since the age of eight. She started Johanne's Photography when she turned twenty-two, while filling in the gaps working at many other interests such as Census Commissioner, Dining Room Supervisor, Temiskaming First Nation Outreach Coordinator, Flight Attendant, and Jail Matron, to name a few.

She volunteered with the Kerns Central Lioness Club and Temiskaming Shores Toastmasters where she has found the skills and confidence to express herself, while helping others attain their goals. She wrote a weekly viewpoint column for a local newspaper, The Voice of the Shores, and of course, now this book.

ISBN: 978-1-894747-54-7 | WMPub# 8984 | 6" x 9"
92 page trade paperback | $19.95 CDN