Welcome to the White Mountain Publications Newsletter
December 2, 2023
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
And welcome 2024
I have to admit that 2022-2023 have not been the easiest years to navigate. The construction at the store continues, and I'd like to have had it done by now, but had to realize that being human has its limitations. Not totally content with that realization, but haven't found a way around it either.
In November we put aside the construction to do the Canadian Writers' Contest Calendar 2024. It started shipping November 29th, and the ebooks are being done. So at least we got closer to our deadline. And so many things change from year to year that it becomes gratifying to make sure that everything in it is as close to accurate as we can make it.
The other big book we are proud to present is Gabby. What a wild ride. Gabby can't seem to stop talking, and keeps getting into trouble, but wait, he turns everything around in his favour.
Set historically in New Liskeard of 1916 through 1918, Gabby is a fictional character interacting with real people and places of that time. He winds his way through New Liskeard and World War I, meeting many famous people of that time with hilarious results. You don't want it to end. Yes it's one of those books. It's been hugely popular so far, and the pre-publication discount (until Dec 15th or sooner if the books come in sooner) saves $5. You'll love him too.
So in spite of the odds, because of our wonderful neighbours and your support, we are still here. I wish everyone a holiday full of wonder and gratitude.
And again my resolution for next year is to try to do these Newsletters every other month. We'll see if it works this time.
On our Facebook page, there are pictures and descriptions of the books wrapped for our Blind Date With A Book. Basically, we select books and wrap them so you can't see the book or the title. On the outside of the wrapper there is a bit of description, including publishing date, what genre of book it is, and a few words to entice you to read it. You get to unwrap it after you buy it. People have been pleased when they unwrap them, and one lady said it was incredible because it was the same title that she had lost before finishing it before. It's been fun.
The Great Fire of 1922, A Centennial Retrospective. We finally finished writing, assembling and indexing it; it came out to 368 pages with about 160 photos and diagrams. Both the hard and soft cover editions are available now. It is as comprehensive as I could make it. This book has been in process for about two and a half years. It’s a big baby, but finally delivered.
We also developed this reprint of Kermot Moore’s Kipawa: Portrait of a People. I really enjoyed doing this book and learned a great deal about our history from a Native perspective. Opened my eyes, it did. We added an index to this edition. The book is also available in ebook formats.
Canadian Writers' Contest Calendar
If not now, WHEN?
Shipping NOW.
If you think that you'd ever have time to write and still know where to find all this information, collect it, and organize it, let me know. There are over 400 database lines to confirm each year, some found very few other places yet. Some contest information is not available on the internet. Geographically, the contests cover Canada from Whitehorse to Windsor, Victoria to St. John's. Every year there contests started and contests discontinued. And by far the changes are the addresses, email, mail and websites. Anyone who says they could compile all of this on their own, has never tried to do it. This is our 21st year compiling this resource for writers and there are always many changes each year.
We are already working on the 2025 edition, so if you know of new contests starting up, or ones we missed in this edition, please let us know at cwcc@wmpub.ca
As a reminder to those who have said they would post a review on TripAdvisor, doing so would be a huge favour and show of support (and thank-you to those who did). More people came into the store this year saying that is where they discovered our store. The link is here: TripAdvisor reviews for White Mountain Publications, aka White Mountain Books. We appreciate all your support.
Newer Offerings
Just before the long weekend in May we launched The Curious History of Albert the Dragon We do not as a rule do children's books, but this one was from 1935-1936 by locally well-known George Cassidy. The story is delightful, the illustrations beautifully detailed. And we also have it available in ebook formats.
KIPAWA: Portrait of a People by Kermot A Moore. Although not quite here yet, this reprint of the HBS original was requested by the family, and I am so pleased that they did. I always learn so much, and this book gives an excellent perspective on our history from a Native point of view. It was very enlightening. It will also be available in ebook formats, probably after the move.
COBALT Where The Stories Are As Tall As The Headframes by Helene Culhane. Fascinating insights into the heart of this incredible town from the people who refuse to call anywhere else home, from interviews with long-time Cobalters. Also available in EBook formats.
The Legend of Caroline Maben Flower Lady Prospector of the Porcupine by Maggie Wilson. Caroline Maben Flower, a wealthy New York socialite in 1906, most certainly read the news of the fabulous riches in Northern Ontario. When she arrived in Cobalt, Caroline noted how the men made their fortunes at mining. She reckoned, if they could do it, so could she! Never one to let roadblocks stop her, she shouldered a pickaxe and set out to build a mine. Just as she did with her musical career, Caroline promoted herself and built a brand. In Cobalt, and later in the gold fields of the Porcupine, she traded on one notable asset: the fact that she was the only woman in the mining game.
Stephen Lafricain
Grand Old Man of the River
by Bruce Taylor
Stephen Lafricain was born in 1837, and in his 99 years witnessed much history in both Canada and the United States, including treaty signing, the decline of the fur trade, the opening of northeastern Ontario to great mineral wealth. Well worth the read, and the history.
Quarantine a novel by Terry Cassidy. Set in 1994, young Wat Moore is caught up in a devastating situation while visiting his father's laboratory in Ottawa. When it's believed that he has been exposed to a deadly and highly contagious pathogen, the government sends him into a quarantine that could last the rest of his life. A fast-paced story set in Ottawa, northern Ontario and north-western Quebec, Terry has given us another well-researched thriller.
Missing in Cobalt by Terry Cassidy is a murder mystery set in Cobalt 1949. A young woman's body is discovered in the ice in a Buffalo Mines adit, and from there, we have to discover who she is, how she got there, and of course, who did it. Have had rave reviews on this one. And yes, it is fiction.
Mining in Temagami A History of Discovery, Development and Production by Dustin Roy. Dustin collects the information about past mining activities throughout the Municipality of Temagami in Northeastern Ontario, Canada. Maps, diagrams and beautiful colour photos bring this history to the forefront.
They Stepped Into ImmortalityThe Stories Behind the World War I Veterans Listed On The New Liskeard Cenotaph by André Maheu. Limited edition hard cover-2 copies left at $79.95. Now as a softcover reprint. $49.95
Books are a great gift for any time of year. They stand the test of time, become part of your life. The good ones can change your life, your perception of the world. Consider a great book for your gift giving year round.
Yes, we have been busy. Hope all is well with you and yours. Be well, stay safe.